Virtual Reality And Digital Economy

Virtual Reality And Digital Economy

Virtual reality refers to immersing oneself in the complete virtual world and completely separating from the real world through hearing, vision and touch. Augmented reality is based on the real world, but it adds more virtual details to the real environment.

With regard to commercial use, there are some important considerations to consider. The first is the estimated cost and complexity of developing solutions in virtual or augmented reality. Because programmers must use graphics technology and all auditory and tactile senses to create a complete background, the technology and time required to develop the final product are longer, so virtual reality is more complex.

In terms of commercial use, the health department uses virtual reality to treat people with various phobias, such as crowd, altitude, flight fear, etc., and the patients fall into and adapt to this environment for the first time. Both virtual reality and augmented reality can help alleviate the illusion pain of amputated organs such as hands, because this technology can make the brain believe that organs still exist, thus reducing the pain.

Other potential uses are unlimited. Imagination can be freely used, but cost and complexity may become problems, and the process may be paralyzed. However, these inherent technologies and expensive equipment will be easier to obtain and cheaper, and will eventually be provided to all and take responsibility.

In the Meta universe, the actual life span of full-time employees has actually increased. After graduation from college, people can’t get well paid jobs. At the age of 15, they can get valuable job opportunities at a very young age like Michael Syman, the youngest programmer of IBM Watson.

In the real world, the workforce can not only start their career faster, but also continue to work longer. People should generally retire at the age of 65 or 75, depending on the country in which they live. As the retirement age approaches, their skills and cognitive abilities may decline, but they gain rich knowledge, experience and contacts from their experiences that can be passed on to the next generation. In the “world”; metaverse “;, the elderly can sit comfortably and conveniently at home for classes, meetings, trade adjustments, etc. With the advent of the concept of Non Repurchable Token(NFT), they can also make unique and marketable works of art. This ultimately means unlimited opportunities.

In today’s world, many developed countries have begun to prepare for all infrastructure needs, so they are moving towards the digital direction of the world economy. If everyone wants to use the digital economy, it becomes an objective demand. Everyone has no choice. This is the only way to do it.

Therefore, the importance of the digital economy, especially the developing countries, has the responsibility to plan the preparations needed to integrate into the digital economy from now on. Investment in the digital economy has become an important factor for countries around the world to achieve sustainable development and will provide broad potential for economic growth and development.

The digital economy also depends on transforming the traditional economic manifestations of commerce, trade and capital flows into extremely fast models, because the digital economy uses cutting-edge information technologies such as the Internet and global networks to make it grow rapidly in these areas. At the same time, the digital economy provides people with competitive advantages. They rely on their own minds to develop programs, innovate new things, and make the enterprise obtain the highest level of economic benefits. It is committed to opening a broad vision of world trade, discovering and opening new world markets, increasing income and revitalizing the economies of all countries. This has led to economic development and increased per capita income.

It is not only convenient to obtain information, but also quick to obtain information at any time. It can be said that the importance of digital economy is to improve social economic growth and help spread economic knowledge. Because of its dependence on technology, it is particularly important to attach importance to the application of modern advanced technology and strive to make it develop continuously.