Innovation Will Disappear As Large Companies Acquire Small Companies.

Innovation Will Disappear As Large Companies Acquire Small Companies.

People often argue. Many writers wrote, “Big companies can innovate like small companies.” This may be possible, but I suggest that this is not a rule, but an exception.

Small companies almost always perform better than large ones when observing the working environment and personal freedom of employees. Of course, if a small company is the leader of Ricky’s market, this is a typical situation. As it grows, it can become a large company or attract the attention of larger partners.

The most recent example is Hibar Systems Co., Ltd., a regional Canadian company. Over the years, with the innovation and engineering spirit of Heinz Baral, the founder, it has flourished and achieved more than 90% of the market share in battery power distribution. This is the original purpose of inventors and founders. Because he built the distribution pump for this purpose. Under his leadership, the company flourished, innovated its own way, and became the leader of alkaline battery assembly system. After his untimely death, the company was eventually sold to others, but now the media dote on Tesla. In the past two years, Hibar Systems Co., Ltd. has ceased to exist. Tesla Automation officially informed all the former customers of Hibar(many of them were in the late 1970s) that they could not use these products from now on.

Of course, many people will think Tesla is the champion of invention and so on. But let’s face it. This company, like most other large cooperative companies, tries to achieve this goal by stifling innovation and limiting the technology they buy.

As in many cases, the advocates of unique personality and innovation disappear in the business environment, and no one is smarter than him. Like this case and many other cases, a large number of waiters are usually forced back or dragged to the door, as is the case here.

An interesting article on this topic is Maxwell Wessel’s “Why Big Business Can’t Innovate” published in the Harvard Business Review or Don Lee’s “Why Big Business Can’t Innovate” published in the Los Angeles Times.