How To Provide The Best Landing Page For A Website

How To Provide The Best Landing Page For A Website

The login page of a website is very important. Usually, most visitors visit the page first. This is a page where you can create links. This may be the page most concerned by search engines. Therefore, it makes sense to ensure that the login page is designed as well as possible.

There are several key elements to a successful page login. They work together to provide their own important but unique and effective experience. But it is important to answer questions before seeing these key elements.

Landing Page Target

The landing page requires a goal goal. What do you want visitors to do? What action do you want them to take? It is very likely that you can:

Browse and browse websites

Click to enter the sales page


When you know what you want your visitors to do, you can verify that the landing page supports this goal. Now you will use seven main elements, including:

Images – The images selected on the landing page are important. You want them to support the overall goal. Images can quickly overlay the landing page with graphics and photos, becoming a distraction tool. If you choose to use images and can improve the landing page, check whether they support the goal. . Let them also fully represent your brand. The common images available may be photos. This helps connect readers with you. It helps build corporate brands and relationships.

Titles – Your title is usually the first thing visitors see. If it doesn’t attract their attention, It may not work. But in addition to attracting attention, it should also support the purpose of the page. It takes some time to create the title. This is also an important factor in testing and tracking. Create two login pages with two different titles. Decide on the title that will help achieve the goal of the page. .

Emotions – Emotions are used by people to make purchase decisions. If you want to encourage certain behaviors, they are all important. You can use pictures and words to explore the feelings of visitors.

Navigation – allows visitors to quickly understand what to do and how to do it. If people want to learn more about your site, make sure your buttons and behaviors support it. If they can’t find the page they are interested in, they will leave.

Proof – As you can see, many elements of the successful login page are also sales copy elements, because you want to encourage behavior. Your login page is useful. Proof can be demonstrated in the following ways:




Organization Membership

Facts and statistics

The evidence you use depends on your goals. For example, if you want to encourage you to opt in, you can use facts, statistics, and banner ads to highlight the awards your website has won. This gives you credibility.

Call to Action – Call to action is required every time you successfully log on to the page. This is the only way your readers know what to do next. Test and track success.

Select Booking Form – Finally, to give motivation to select a booking, you must select a booking form on the login page. In fact, everything on this page should support this goal.

Your login page is probably the most important page on your website. Make sure that the elements on the page support the goal and success. Test and track elements until you get the best results. After creating the login page, please perform the following questions to ensure that it works properly:

Attractive landing page-

Did your login page attract attention? Ideally, there is a prominent title and keyword target content that supports the purpose of the landing page. In addition, do not follow on the login page. All content on this page must support the purpose of the page.

Purpose of the landing page-

Each landing page has a different purpose. For example, if you have a theme based website, the purpose of the page might be to encourage visitors to go deeper. You want them to enter your membership and PPC link pages. Then you can make money.

Visitors may want to register the selection and add it to the form. In this case, ensure that the landing page copy and graphics support this operation. If it is designed to encourage sales, you want to sell products or services on this page. All content on the page must support this operation. Don’t want to distract yourself by choosing to add forms or content links.

If the login page is difficult, make sure that the entire page supports the purpose of the page. If not, please work again.

Call to action on landing page-

Whatever your purpose, your landing page needs a call to action. What should tourists do next? If you do not have this description, you can also click Exit. Support the purpose of the page with a persuasive call to action.

If you want them to register your choice to join the list, do so to them. If they want to read your content and information in depth, tell them to click. If you want to sell, you should give them many opportunities to make decisions and take action.

Testing and tracking-

Test and track various elements to optimize the login page specifically. Test which title works best. Test what works best. Test the location of the registration form for best results. Split testing is the easiest. You can use PPC ads to control traffic on two nearly identical landing pages.

Your login page will let most of your data enter the page of your website, so it must support your goals. Verify that the login page is purposeful. Track and verify that all elements on the page support this purpose. Eliminate unnecessary elements and interference. Optimizing the login page can optimize the business!

Well, if you can successfully log on to the page according to the following key factors, you must immediately start more conversions on your online business website.

Bob Edwards, Digital Business Lessons, successfully completed online business travel