Four Ways To Lose Customers On Facebook

Four Ways To Lose Customers On Facebook

Four ways to lose customers on Facebook

Are you using Facebook to expand your online business? Most people have done so, and they have seen great success. But even the best online marketers may not be taking full advantage of Facebook’s potential. This article describes four ways to lose customers on Facebook, unless you use these features.

Uploading the clickable button image to the cover photo and changing the description to provide a link to the page is one of the least known ways to use Facebook to collect potential customers. It is not as effective as the more popular method of using Facebook, but it can bring some clues, so there is no reason not to use it, and there is no reason to start using it.

On Facebook’s business page, one of the least commonly used functions is the CTA(Call to Action) function provided by Facebook. Facebook allows companies with Facebook pages to send traffic or make calls directly from Facebook to the site. But most people don’t use it. In fact, most people may not even know its existence.

When people want to know more about your company, the “relevant” section on your Facebook page is where they want to go. This is a good place to link to a website or select a subscription page. Although people don’t often go there, when they go there, it’s foolish not to take them to places where they can change. They are ready to learn more about your company. This means you can send them to your own website. View products and add them to your email list to satisfy your curiosity.

The “story” section on the page is another place that enterprises often skip. But you must want to tell the customer your story. They want to know more about you. This is a good opportunity for Facebook fans and ordinary visitors to buy loyal customers. You can also place the link in the story section, make it clickable, and guide it to the selection booking page, general website, product page, or where you need it.