Canada Goose: How To Deal With Them Legally?

Canada Goose: How To Deal With Them Legally?

Canada Goose: How to deal with them legally?

The Canadian goose(Branta canadensis) is a wild native of North America and has been introduced to many other regions of the world. After industrialization, all birds were protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty.

What does the Migratory Bird Convention Act do?

The Migratory Bird Treaty Act(also known as MBCA) was passed in Canada in 1917. In June 1994, it was significantly updated to protect migratory birds and their eggs and nests from logging, hunting, smuggling and commercial destruction.

It is worth noting that the Canadian goose belongs to the Act. This means that it is illegal to hurt one of the birds due to their mobility.

Can I kill geese in Misassa Street?

No, The bill also means that Canada geese, like any other Canadian bird on the list, cannot be injured or killed unless they face the very serious consequences prescribed by law.

With the expansion of residential areas near the river, Canada geese have occupied new habitats, and the problem continues. Unfortunately, they are aggressive species that can pose a variety of threats.

What problems can geese cause?

  • Goose can bring danger or trouble to people in various ways. Canada geese will cause serious security risks to aircraft at the airport and dangerous takeoff and landing conditions. Most airports will take active anti fog measures to reduce the risks.

  • Nesting Canada geese will actively protect their nests. Aggressive pairing can sometimes lead to injuries, especially to young children and livestock.

  • Groups of Canada geese destroy grasslands, including parks, pastures, golf courses, lawns and other landscape areas. Grasslands in these areas are very short, and there are ponds, lakes and other water bodies nearby. Land owners must conduct expensive lawn management activities.

  • Goose dung may become a problem in golf courses, parks, seaside and other specific places where many people and geese coexist. With the increase in the number of Canada geese, overgrazing pastures and poor water quality have increased, leading to the destruction of agricultural and natural resources, including the plundering of food crops.

  • Goose can also compete with conservation agencies around the goals of other species or sensitive ecosystems. This battle occurs when geese directly or indirectly attack animals that affect their habitats through grazing.

What should I do when the goose has a problem?

If you have the problem of Canadian geese, it is important to know how to get rid of them in a humane but effective way. Once they decide to stay near your real estate, they tend to be stubborn. Without the right tools or expertise, it can be dangerous to eliminate them yourself. You need experts who can threaten and drive away these birds in a safe way.

The following 6 points should be known when handling goose cleaning in Misisha Street.

    Don’t feed geese

Canada geese were once wild birds that had nothing to do with human beings. Since the arrival of European colonialists, these animals have adapted to the food sources provided by humans.

Many studies have shown that geese raised better than hungry geese are more likely to be aggressive to people and pets. The reason is simple. Hunger frightened them, so they tried their best to protect themselves. Don’t feed them, make their task easier!

  1. Keep distance

The Canadian goose flies at a speed of 80 kilometers per hour(50 miles per hour). If it feels threatened, it will use that speed and 1 foot long wings as weapons. They may not hurt you, but the wounds caused by flying debris or direct impact may be serious! Keep away from Canada geese or bird nests, and keep away from pets.

  1. Don’t frighten the goose

The Canadian goose will protect her eggs or young geese at all costs. If you find your real estate has a nest, please stay away from it at all costs! Even if you can’t see your parents, you can easily hide nearby and be scared away by loud noises or sudden movements. If you need to clean the nest, it’s better to let the animal control service do it for you.

  1. April and May Be careful

Canada geese usually produce 4~8 eggs, with an average nest size of 6. During this period, keep the distance from the nest, even if it is empty. As the incubation date approaches, parents will further protect their children.

    Know the law

Canadian geese are protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, which means that hunting or killing without special permission is illegal. If you find someone harming Canada geese in your area, please call the animal service center immediately.

  1. Frequently consult animal management experts

It may be difficult to leave Canada Goose. Especially when there is a goose in the picture. This is not something we suggest you try yourself. With our years of experience in animal control, we have dealt with hundreds of Canada geese and know how to eliminate this problem in a safe and humane way.

If you are looking for Canada Goose Control anywhere in Ontario or GTA, please contact Eagle Eye immediately.