Authentic Administrator

Authentic Administrator

Authentic Administrator

What does it take to be a real manager? I think this can be summarized as a true definition. According to Merriam Webster Dictionary; loyalty to one’s own personality, spirit or character is true and true without hypocrisy.

It is hard to find someone who is not arrogant in today’s society. We have grown into a self-centered group, in which problems always emerge in the minds of most people. “What is this for me?” I believe that business and management have changed into a self-centered way of thinking, and everyone has begun to pay attention to themselves rather than greater interests.

When was the last time you spoke to someone and they really listened to you? They didn’t interrupt their stories or disturb yours. The manager should build the team like a coach and focus on making the whole team successful. It is not just their own interests. What happened to the team concept? I believe people have said a lot of nonsense about it, but not put it into practice. To be true, you must be true to yourself. In order to see the mirror, ask yourself. Do you do best for the whole or for yourself?

In 1934, Dale Winbow wrote an ancient poem called The Guy in The Glass ◇.

Man in the mirror

When you get what you want in your struggle,

The world makes you the king of the day,

Then go to the mirror and look at yourself,

Look what he wants to say.

Because it is not your father, mother or wife,

Who, you should be judged.

The most important judgment in your life is

Are you the guy staring behind the glass?

He is a lovely person. Don’t mind anything else

Because he’s always with you,

You passed the most dangerous and difficult exam

If the person in the cup is your friend.

Jack Hornava; plums,

I think you are an excellent person,

But the man in the glass said you were just a tramp.

If you can’t see his eyes clearly.

You can fool the world for years,

Pat your back as you walk past,

But your final reward will be your heart and tears.

If you cheat the person in the glass

I believe this explains everything. Sincere people will listen to your voice and really care about what you have to say. They support you and deal with what you say. They are not thinking about themselves, but how to help you. Similarly, they are morally honest and honest with you. You can judge their differences by their performance. Their story is not about them, but about you. They think about how to support you and the whole team. They also know how to maintain their integrity without sacrificing themselves.

What happened to this type of manager? Where did they go? I believe that they buried themselves under the pressure of the society and the business world. People no longer accept to stand out or stand out for themselves, but recognize the collective. If you do not meet the requirements of the team, you will pose a threat to your colleagues and the management above you. Therefore, it is not safe to remain true in the business. In order to survive and sustain your work, you must sacrifice yourself. It is sad and regrettable for us to do so. Because it has not done justice for mankind. We become Jack Horner, Simei. ©