7 Key Points For Cookie Consent Of Related Companies

7 Key Points For Cookie Consent Of Related Companies

Everyone is used to talking about cookies, especially managing compliance from the perspective of consumers, which is important for all those involved in marketing. We in the marketing world are also keenly aware that the third-party cookie days are numbered or, for some people, over.

For all the marketing personnel who publicized through mobile channels, after Apple launched ITP in 2017, using the first party cookie is the confirmed choice. Since any network traffic through Safari will not track third-party cookies, you need to ensure that your advertisers use the first party cookie as the default value. Safari currently accounts for 19.1% of the world(May 2022).

Most networks publish cookies and privacy compliance guidelines for publishers, especially since the launch of GDPR in 2018. In addition, there are many consent management tools, which often lead to conflicts. Therefore, some of the publishers we talked to couldn’t determine what they really needed.

License management platform

Most advertisers’ websites now provide new users with the option to usually accept cookies before displaying page content. OneTrust, Telium and other companies provide more and more of this technology, but sometimes this technology is developed locally. Of course, most of the prices are based on available capacity, so they are targeted at users of high-volume retail sites.

The cost of alliance websites seems high. Took $$from your Maggie route. It doesn’t need too high cost. Small websites are eligible for free entry level.

So walk around and find the best solution for your website. For WordPress, there are many simple plug-ins that just need to check the market. Of course, other network tools and platforms also provide similar plug-ins.

With all this in mind, there should be a fair way to ensure that your own subsidiary’s business is proper and legitimate. Therefore, here is a list to help you:

Each branch office needs 7 key elements:

1 – Evaluate the impact of GDPR, PECR and CCPA on websites and businesses

  • Verify compliance means user flow changes

  • Understand the business changes needed

Ensure that major networks and advertisers use third-party tracking cookies

2 – Ensure the transparency of website visitors – including the publicity of member information, of course;

  • Ensure clear information about cookies and related commissions is made public

3 – Safely store personal user data and record the process as required.

  • Ensure that there is written documentation of the data policy.

  • Use 2FA channel as much as possible

4 – Including upgrading privacy policy and capturing cookie holes;

  • Ensure that cookies agree to comply with local and global regulations

  • If you do not have a privacy policy template, you can use it at any time to create a privacy policy template. You can trust websites and help websites SEO.

5 – Anonymous user data if possible;

  • The cash return or membership website must store user data. Where data is securely stored, ensure anonymous user IDs for other reporting tools to maintain compliance

6 – Keep the latest information through the alliance network;

  • Alliance Network GDPR Page or Portal Subscription – and Contacts

7 – Evaluate the advertisers to ensure that the CMP meets the requirements and does not hinder the cooperative tracking

  • As advertisers are still implementing their own CMP and changing strategies, always check for changes to EPC and transformation.

  • Ensure that the advertiser publicized meets the network users in the target market

Keep this in mind, your website and advertisers promoting your website can abide by the privacy regulations.

Keep track

Of course, the story doesn’t end there. Most e-commerce websites are complex entities involving many technologies. With the increase of inventory, many products are also changing; even the website structure will change with the emergence of new scope.

While it is important to ensure partner tracking, remember that other technologies and channels may take priority in the technology development queue. All things related to products or imports will receive the first call, followed by PPC and GA changes. Because if it doesn’t work, it will have an impact of $$. As the network account manager with great pressure told you, the alliance is usually waiting in line, and the publishing house should be aware of this.

It is important to maintain this, regular EPC inspections and conversion rates are usually a barometer of all changes.


Moonpull platform can provide detailed subsidiary analysis through unique configuration. These outputs also provide advertisers with comprehensive information that can be recovered quickly without disrupting tracking or damaging the advertisers/publishers partnership.

Moonpull handed over the tool to the subsidiary to inform the network and advertisers how to solve this problem. This is also a step to recover commission losses and increase everyone’s final route by 5%.

View subsidiary compliance details on the Moonpull blog