Here Are Five Signs That Raccoons Can Live In Your Attic.

Here Are Five Signs That Raccoons Can Live In Your Attic.

Time and again, we have seen that the house does not have good security measures to prevent pests from entering. Raccoons tend to take advantage of this interesting little fact. These nasty bandits are not only smart creatures, but also very adventurous creatures. Whether for food or adventure, they have little time to get what they want. Especially when they want to enter your house, they will be very firm. But how do you know there are raccoons at home? We have made a list of instructions to help you decide whether to contact us!

  1. You heard scratching and banging on the walls of the house

This is one of the most common signs of pests at home! Raccoons are nocturnal animals, which means they are most active at night. This means you can hear them at night or in the early morning. Their voices are often heard on the second floor of the house. Because this is the safest place for them. They can enter your house for two blocks without using any dangerous outdoor areas.

  1. You can see shit in your property or home

Raccoons don’t like being confined in the attic. They will come out in the evening to find food and water(maybe there is some play time!). Raccoon droppings are easy to find and can be seen in gardens, porches or other places. What does raccoon shit look like? Raccoon dung is similar to dog dung in appearance. They are dark in color, foul smelling, and often contain undigested seeds or other foods.

  1. Strange sounds from the ceiling at night

When the mother of the raccoons goes out to look for food, you may hear them playing. Raccoons are very clever. If you have a young raccoon, they will make noise when playing. Game time sounds a little scary, because it sounds like fighting or running on the floor overhead.

  1. Small holes can be found on the wallboard or roof, and raccoons can drill in

The raccoon is an excellent climber who can easily climb concrete walls or bricks. They will use the small hole as the entrance to your home. There they can sneak in and hide. Especially when it rains outside! If you have a raccoon family living in your attic, they will have multiple entrances for easy access. Their damage to your wallboard or roof may be enough to let them in. If you don’t notice the hole when there are raccoons in it, they can enter your living space and bedroom!

  1. You smell a strange smell in the attic or on the wall

The smell of raccoon urine can be detected at home, which is very strong. The feces are also very toxic and smelly. Raccoon dung has a unique musky smell. The odor is usually strongest near the entry point or the area where nest material can be found. When you think you’ve found something dead or rotten(or both!) Because the smell of raccoon dung is very strong.

Judging from one or more of these signs, there may be raccoons at home. Don’t panic! If you suspect that you have raccoons at home, you’d better ask an expert. Especially when raccoons are around! Not seeing a raccoon does not mean that there is no raccoon at home. If you suspect that something is wrong, you should call us to check.

Raccoons are very common in the Missisha Street area. A special team can help remove them without causing any dramatic situations. It’s an eagle’s eye!