Why Do Some Foods Use Tin Cans And Others Use Aluminum Cans?

Why Do Some Foods Use Tin Cans And Others Use Aluminum Cans?

Many of our daily foods, beverages and products are canned. This happens much longer than you think. Canning technology for food, pet food, paint, oil and chemicals has developed over time, including spiral upper end, ring label, fixed label and recyclable double joint.

In 1809, the French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte awarded a prize of 12000 francs to all those who could design ways to preserve food for his army and navy. In 1810, Nicola Apet(France) obtained the government’s compensation of 12000 francs after he invented the food disinfection technology.

Canned food is processed and sealed in sealed containers(Mason cans, steel cans and tin cans) for long-term preservation. The average shelf life of cans is 1 to 5 years, but may be longer in some cases.

Freeze drying can reduce the growth risk of bacteria and extend the shelf life. Therefore, canned dried soybean products(such as dried soybeans) can be used for 30 years under edible conditions.

In 1974, the National Food Processors Association tested canned food samples loaded on the steam boat Bertrand that sank in the Missouri River in 1865. Although the appearance, aroma and vitamin content have changed, no signs of bacterial growth have been found. Food 109 years ago was evaluated as safe.

In 1825, Thomas Kensett and Ezra Dagger sold their patented canned oysters, fruits, meat and vegetables to New Yorkers. In 1856, Gail Boden invented this condensed milk, and canned food became popular in the United States.

Some people exchange tin cans and aluminum cans, but the two are not synonymous. Tin cans and aluminum cans are used for similar purposes. Although they are made of different materials, their quality and manufacturing costs are different.

Tin cans are heavier and more durable than aluminum cans. Tin jars are also strong for acidic foods such as tomatoes. Because they are highly corrosive. However, compared with aluminum cans, tin cans have lower recovery efficiency.

Aluminum and tin are highly flexible metals. They are not only anti-corrosion, but also easy to process.

Because tin is a rare element on the earth and the 49th richest metal on the earth. Aluminum is the third most common metal and the most widely distributed element on the earth, which can be found almost anywhere.

Aluminum and tin are often confused with tin foil. Aluminum has largely replaced tin in industrial applications. Tin is considered harmful to humans because of its toxicity, but aluminum itself is not.

Interesting Facts:

Is the trash can tin or aluminum?

This is a tin can, but Hormel Foods is located in Austin, Minnesota. In July 1998, it began to convert the famous SPAM ® production line from three piece aluminum cans to two piece aluminum cans.

How do you know whether the metal is aluminum or tin?

If the metal is suspected to be aluminum, conduct magnetic circuit test again and confirm again. Aluminum and tin may be mistaken for each other, but they attach to magnets, not aluminum. Tin is also similar in color to aluminum. Although its appearance is a little dark.

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