Canada Goose Control Solution Facts

Canada Goose Control Solution Facts

By definition, Canada geese are not harmful birds and are protected by government agencies. Even so, the Canadian goose is one of the most famous large birds in southern Ontario, becoming a disaster in the suburbs. In the past 10 years, their number has increased from thousands to hundreds of thousands. The familiar geese of the V-shaped squadron singing south became a rare sight. Country clubs and business parks provide original mowed lawns and ponds, provide recreational habitats, and effectively change their travel cycles. Goose is opportunistic and easy to take advantage of the “easy life” conditions in the urban environment. Hawkeye provides the most effective solution to the goose control problem.

There are at least 10 to 11 subspecies of Canadian geese, all of which are similar in color, with a long black neck and head, and white cheeks under the neck. The brownish red body of a bird has a light to dark chest and lower abdomen, and the black tail has white upper and lower tail feathers. The mouth and feet are also black. The bird is 22 to 48 inches long and weighs between 3 and 24 pounds.

although they are ubiquitous, peaceful interaction between humans and geese is rare. Goose often tear up grass and leave feces everywhere. This is not only ugly, but the uric acid concentration in goose feces is very high, which will become a corrosive agent and damage buildings and machines. The goose is also aggressive, unintentionally attacking people who are too close to the young goose. If you have unwanted geese in your property, Eagle Eye will solve your geese problem forever.

The most common solutions and thorny problems

Goose on Golf Course and Cemetery

One of the most common places where geese gather is the golf course and cemetery. A clean lawn is an attractant. Goose feed on seedlings. When they mow the lawn regularly, the seedlings grow very well. These two places are generally remote, providing protection from busy people. Finally, there is usually a pond or flood nearby, and geese can avoid land predators. Unfortunately, humans also use this space, and the conflict with geese may be both terrible and dangerous. The design of these areas also takes into account aesthetics, and the large amount of waste left by the geese is ugly.

At the end of the transportation, there is usually a pond or flood nearby, and geese can avoid land predators. Unfortunately, humans also use this space, and the conflict with geese may be both terrible and dangerous. The design of these areas also takes into account aesthetics, and the large amount of waste left by the geese is ugly.

Goose in City Park

Urban parks usually provide the same lawn, relatively hidden environment and water source as golf courses and cemeteries, but also bring additional challenges. The park is a public place, so more people travel, so there are more conflicts with geese. In this case, bird control may be difficult. Because the city park is a green space system, drive the geese out of one park and move to the next. This is especially true of the parks in this waterside area. Goose can jump from one area to another to avoid threats, but will not leave the system. In this case, getting rid of the goose requires more concentrated efforts, and persistence is the key.