7 Creative Content Marketing Examples – Creating Outstanding Results

7 Creative Content Marketing Examples – Creating Outstanding Results

To stay ahead in creative content marketing, you must understand the latest trends and strategies. The year 2022 has seen incredible examples of creative content activities, and 2023 will certainly bring new and interesting changes to this field.

If you are a publisher, brand or marketer, it is important to keep informed and in the best condition. You can rest assured. Your competition is certainly good.

Listen, we know that it may be increasingly difficult to develop new and interesting content ideas, but fortunately, there is no need to reinvent the wheel. There are many examples of creative content marketing that can help you get inspired.

If you need more inspiration, you might as well look at the best brands in various industries, but we will start soon.

First, I would like to discuss the best strategies, tactics and trends that may affect the coming year. Then we will discuss some examples of shaking.

Why is creative content marketing so important?

If you are reading this article, you will realize that creative content is a powerful way to connect with your audience and should be an important part of your marketing strategy.

But the problem is that the content you create and the overall tone of your information are critical to building the trust of readers, viewers and potential customers. They want to feel like they are on a good team. This starts with what you do.

Even so, there is a motivation to go beyond connecting with the audience. Anyway, why did you want to contact them in the first place?

It doesn’t matter which industry you are in; is profit at least not a major objective? If you don’t, it’s challenging to continue doing business.

Moreover, accurate content can promote this bottom line goal. For example, you can:

  • Move users to the site

  • Attract customers by providing value

  • Create Lead

  • Support employees on customer journeys

  • Drive sales

  • Provide after-sales service

Therefore, if you publish the right content at the right time, you will get many benefits directly related to making money. Many managers need to see the marketing manager to understand the ROI of content marketing campaigns.

It makes people wonder how they got the job of senior executives in the first place. Because the answer is obvious

As Robert Rose of the Content Marketing Research Institute said, “ROI is the wrong indicator of activity oriented marketing and advertising. Content marketing should be evaluated as an enterprise asset.”

At each stage of the buyer’s journey, according to the purpose, as long as the content is open, you can create content that can be informed and persuaded. You can send potential customers to your sales department permanently.

Over time, this is a fairly high rate of return on investment, do you agree?

In short, creative content production is a strategic approach that can create and distribute consistent, relevant, and valuable content, attract and maintain well-defined customers, and ultimately drive high-yield customer behavior.

Evergreen Content Marketing Strategy

It is difficult to stand out in the highly competitive content market, but it is not impossible. If you can really help and create other content, you will be on the road to success.

Remember, your work is unique and your audience is unique. One of the best things you can do is take advantage of this fact. Nevertheless, the following strategies are basic but evergreen.

In other words, they do not age over time.

Quality is more important than quantity

That’s the truth. The network is already full of low-quality, loose content. If the target audience wants to read materials, listen to information and make the company successful, they must go beyond noise and create useful and interesting content.

Think about it this way: do you let 100000 non participating readers browse the web, or 1000 participating readers browse the web?

The answer should be obvious. It is better to say that fewer readers are interested than more readers who are not interested.

Create Evergreen content

Evergreen content is content that remains interesting and relevant for a long time after going public. It is not as outdated or outdated as current events, news and popular culture.

For example, the report on the top 12 fashion trends in 2020 is ultimately behind the times, so it is not always regarded as blue.

However, the article on how to clean, manage and maintain the black velvet dress will be regarded as an appendix. Because even if fashion trends come and go, the proposal of the article will still have practical significance.

Another reason for creating green content is:

  • This may help attract new readers long after publication. For example, you may stumble upon an article about a black velvet dress several months or even years after your first online posting, while searching for information on Google.

  • If your article is well written and provides useful information, readers can become loyal followers of your blog

Evergreen content can also help you build reliability and become an industry expert.

Re adjust and publish content

Readjusting and republishing content can help increase users’ natural influence and gain more traffic and participation from target customers.

In addition, by reorganizing and publishing content, you can effectively provide a second impressive opportunity for prospects or customers.

Who doesn’t want to do this?

The following are creative ways to readjust and publish content:

  • Create an infographic from a blog post

  • Convert blog posts to videos or podcasts

  • Via email or

  • Share content on the platform of other content authors, and allow users to share on the platform(theme, value and voice must be similar).

Creative content marketing strategy

The part that attracts your audience is to make them interested in what you want to say, and to have enough time for you to reach the points they want to remember. There are several strategies to ensure that they can.

To do this, suspense is one way. You can end a blog post, video or podcast with a dubious note. This will make your target audience want more.

You can also use stories and personal anecdotes to build a deeper relationship with the audience, making it easier for them to remember what you want to say. Visual effects, such as images, Instagram and videos, can decompose text to increase audience interest.

But here are some strategies to remember.

Use humor to your advantage.

This is not only to provide customers with valuable and informative content, but also to satisfy customers. When they are on the website or reading blog posts, they are likely to react more positively.

Of course, sometimes you may want to make people who use your content uncomfortable. Especially when you want to take it home before you start to control the pain in the future.(The rhythm of the future shows the readers the life after you buy the dreamy things, which eliminates their pain.)

In any case, humor and happiness can achieve great results. Think about it, the most unforgettable Super Bowl advertisement is also the most interesting.

Use your writing skills

Try to use the technique of directly replying to copywriting. Even for enterprises with different audiences, you can do it.

For example, you can check whether the title is appropriate for the target so that people can open an email or an article. But more importantly, the title is a technology that can also be used in other marketing areas.

For example, suppose you are running a Facebook ad campaign. You should put a headline on your advertisement to make people stop scrolling and pay attention to what you want to say.

Respected document author Dan Kennedy wrote a headline titled “That Close For The Kill… And Get It”.

Reading is absolutely recommended.(In fact, any of Dan Kennedy’s books should be placed on the shelves of content marketers.)

Manage customer content

The next strategy is not for the timid. But when it comes to driving participation, it can be very effective. In essence, you provide the most loyal audience with the opportunity to use social media accounts like their own. The warning is that they should talk about your product or service from their perspective.

Neil Patel talked about this strategy in a wonderful report by Forbes.

Create Interactive Content

Interactive content is all content that forces readers to do non reading work. Everything from quizzes to games to watching videos is fine. And people like it.

For example, 43% of consumers prefer interactive video to standard video. 88% of marketers said that interactive content helps make a brand different.

So if you haven’t used some form of interactive content in your content marketing strategy, it’s time to start.

Leveraging Data Based Stories

Data based stories support specific points of emotional stories that use data to attract audiences.

People make decisions based on feelings and facts. Few people choose alone. Data supported stories can provide many directions for customer content. In fact, when creating a case study of a website, you can use stories to express it.

When you can tell a story supported by quantitative evidence, you are more likely to end the sale or persuade someone to test your product or service.

Creative content marketing trends

Regardless of the industry, competition is challenging. Many companies are rushing to pay attention. If you can’t keep up with the latest trends, you will fall behind.

But more importantly, understanding the latest content marketing trends may help you better understand your audience and their reactions. By mastering the resonance of today, now and now, you can confirm whether your content is always relevant.

So, what are the major brands doing? What lessons can you learn from their examples? We contacted three influential people and experts in content and digital marketing and obtained their opinions.

What is the best example of creative content marketing they have seen recently? This is what they said.

Successful brand reengineering

Marcus Miller of BowlerHat said:

“So many, even recently, but to a large extent, it depends on what you classify as content.

This year, the trailer website of “The Resurrection of the Matrix” has been very cool. You can take red or blue pills there. Each time has a unique trailer.

Last night, my children and I went to see Batman. Finally, you will see a question mark and a URL will flash briefly.

In addition, the website forwards more information in the style of movie “riddle” and downloads good things related to the movie as a trailer for the inevitable sequel. Link: www.rataalada.com

Obviously, the team has too much budget for this kind of large-scale event film and can do good things. But even small enterprises can launch world-class activities as long as they are creative.

I know that GymShark asked for recommendations on LinkedIn last year. Obviously, this opened the door to hell and they were bombed.

In order to attract the attention of the GymShark Marketing team, ORB, a smart organization, brought several digital advertising vehicles to the GymShark office and did a better job.

Then they turn it into a content marketing campaign to promote their brand value. This value is based on the premise of “better”. It was wonderful to watch that game.

I work in the SEO and PPC industries. We(mostly boring) content marketing. But I stumbled upon this website. The website integrates all excellent learning resources into the learning SEO roadmap. Very handsome.

For our ordinary small businesses that are mainly engaged in business, innovating your content usually means going further. Although I can write articles, there are also downloadable lists. Run another mile, and that’s often what we see. ”

A model of creative content marketing

Mark Supermarket, one of the world’s top marketing futurists and keynote speakers, and the author of Cumulative Advantage, said: “There are so many surprising content concepts that it is difficult to choose, but there are three most popular ones.

  1. The activity of “Crazy Questions” raised the church to an amazing height.

  2. Hilary’s “world separation” shows that there is no need to adopt a bipolar position.

  3. Everything was created by Glossier. All the skincare products they provide are content marketing because of how people interact and share their purchases. ”

Mark W. Schaefer, Director of Marketing Solutions, Shepher

(Remember that we asked your audience to “buy” your day’s content marketing? Glossier uses “user generated content” to make fans micro influencers, and then spreads the information of Glossir products to the network.)

Metaverse is the next challenge for content marketing.

Metaverse marketing may be the future of most marketing activities, and it is time to start preparing now. If you don’t know what Metaverse is, please consider what Wired thinks.

“Psychologically, change the” meta universe “in the sentence to” cyberspace “. 90% of the time, the meaning of this word has not changed in fact. Because this word does not actually refer to any specific type of technology, but refers to the great transformation of the way we interact with technology.”

This may be the future of another virtual world, completely created by the Internet, video games or future neural networks(matrices).

Glen Gilmore, an international speaker, writer and “actor” of Time magazine, said:

“Metabus” is a conversion to a place where physics and digital are combined. This is the next big challenge of content marketing.

To succeed in Metaverse, brands must truly join the digital world, or create a world where consumers can immerse themselves in lifestyle, products and services like avatars.

Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Balenciaga and other luxury brands have successfully cooperated with Fortnight, Roblox and other platforms, and created experience to celebrate the community and brand awareness with the next generation of consumers through virtual products.


In the foreseeable future, content marketing as a whole will become an effective marketing method. Enterprises with large investment will lay a solid foundation for expansion in the next few years.

While making efforts to innovate, brands cannot ignore the fundamentals. Evergreen strategy and tactics will continue to be effective. Companies will be more accurate if they can draw inspiration from brands that have clearly collapsed in content marketing campaigns.

At the same time, publishers, brands and marketing personnel should focus on the future and clear trends. For example, in the developing Metaverse, the content should be interactive and visible.

Keep in mind that Metaverse can provide many opportunities for marketers and advertisers to experiment and subvert their own methods. There is no doubt that there will be challenges to overcome(the definition of the meta universe is still changing). But the potential benefits make this concept and the technology around it very worthwhile to explore.