5 Advantages Of Using Electric Hoists In The Workplace

5 Advantages Of Using Electric Hoists In The Workplace

In the construction industry, cranes or cranes are valuable tools on site. These products are designed to lift the goods off the ground and place them where they are needed to complete the work. It can also be used to load or unload trucks, and the transportation industry also benefits. In fact, all enterprises handling heavy objects should have cranes or cranes for daily operation.

Let’s see the advantages of using electric hoists in the workshop.

1 – Protection of workers’ health and welfare

The advantages of using these products are great. First of all, the enterprise prohibits workers from carrying heavy objects to protect the health and welfare of workers. In addition, the upgrading task is completed faster and the risk of accidents is eliminated. Because all good cranes have safety systems to prevent the load from dropping when the equipment fails.

If a worker carries more than 20 kg boxes every day, he or she will certainly feel the negative impact on his or her health for a period of time. It’s not worth it! The use of electric hoist is very simple. What the worker should do is to hang the rope on the load accurately and press the button. So it doesn’t take time!

Cranes and cranes must be used as the first resource, even for very small loads(for example, about 20 kg). Especially because there is a lot of load to be handled every day.

2 – Emergency stop

A good electric hoist should have an emergency stop button. Whenever this button is pressed, the crane will stop immediately and remain in position. If the load is empty, the load will be displayed here after the emergency stop is activated. To resume normal operation, the operator only needs to press the start button again.

3 – Stable operation time

No matter how large the load is, how much load should be handled. The electric hoist always takes the same time to handle the load. This means that it is easy to predict how long it will take to complete the task. In particular, in order to allocate labor and budget, it is necessary to forecast the operation time, which is particularly important for enterprises.

4 – Reduce operating costs

Enterprises that use electric hoists instead of manually carrying heavy objects will minimize the health problems and accident risks of workers. People should use their ability to solve problems and improve productivity, instead of lifting weights every day for life. In modern jobs, there is no place to do manual labor like this. The bosses and directors of companies that prohibit manual handling of heavy objects have correct and modern attitudes.

This is not only related to workers, but also related to operating costs. In the long run, it is more economical to operate enterprises that rely on automation rather than manual handling by practitioners. In addition, the risk of injury and accident will be greatly reduced, and the insurance premium will also be reduced.

5 – Improve work efficiency

By automatically enhancing tasks, you can move more load in a short time. The loading or unloading process is more predictable and faster than manual handling. This means that enterprises can do more work in a shorter time, thus improving productivity. High productivity leads to higher profits. Despite the upfront investment and continuous maintenance of the elevator. The income is greater than the investment, bringing better opportunities to the enterprise.